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What's New and Ordering

 Taking A Break

Because of my schedule, I am not currently writing. But don't worry! I will still continue to write and get back into the swing of things soon.

I have finished with my second book. It is titled Hopes and Dreams, A Story of Fiction. This book is different from the first. There are new characters introduced and it was written with the possibility of a sequel to follow.  Available in book stores and on Amazon.com now!

Chastity is 45 years old and has 2 grown boys. She served in the army for 3 years and married a firefighter. The book details her life as tragedy unfolds more than once. Chastity is a strong woman who seems to be in the middle of many life events.

There are several subplots which enfold including mystery, adventure and romance. This is a longer read than my first book and will appeal to both men and women. The writing "style" is very similar.

 I am excited about Hopes and Dreams as it reaches a more diverse group of readers, unlike my first book. This book is suitable for ages 16 and older, both male and female.


Order both books from me and I will personally autograph and ship for you to whomever you'd like anytime between Aug. and Dec. for birthdays and Christmas delivery. Pay only $12 for both! What a deal!

My third book will be for children and teens under the pen name, JD Coy...(a derivation of my kids' names).  My goal is to have this finished in 2009. I hope you will follow my journey and enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them for you!

To order either Another Chance, A Story of Romance  or Hopes and Dreams, A Story of Fiction just email me your request and I will email you details. 

Someday that copy may be worth something! "If you want it to be, you have to do!"